Fine Arts

Inspiring Children’s Fine Art Programs in Calabasas, CA

In our Fine Arts Program, children learn about great art and artists, music, and musicians while creating their own masterpieces using different mediums and/or instruments. Additionally, children participate in dramatic play in creating plays and Puppet Theater.

What Makes Our Children’s Fine Art Programs Successful 

How do we cultivate a culture of appreciation and participation in the arts from a young age? It starts with a passion. We do what we do because of a deeply held conviction that our children’s fine art programs can revolutionize the way the upcoming generation thinks about and engages with the artistic process.

Our classrooms receive the dedicated care of experienced mentors and nurturers, imparting their own passion for creativity and commitment to learning to each student who comes through our door. We don’t rely on rote memorization of facts and famous figures.

Instead, our team works to truly educate your child, building a strong relationship that sets a firm foundation for future success. Let us give your young learner the focused attention required to develop a deep love for artistic pursuits.

Developing A Love Of Music

Fine arts don’t just include painting and sculpting; our music programs introduce children to the wonders of melody and rhythm. The inclusion of music programs in our school opens the door for multiple avenues of a child’s development. It allows them to explore their intellectual, emotional, motor, language, social, and literacy skills. Music teaches children that their body and their mind can work together. Dancing also helps children build motor skills while encouraging self-expression and confidence. Music programs make a significant difference to children that would like the freedom to express themselves while also learning essential life skills.

Exciting & Educational Summer Camps

Throughout the summer, we provide our students with pre-school summer camp opportunities. These programs are not only fun and engaging but also continue your child’s education in diverse and exciting ways. On beautiful summer days, your child can participate in all that our summer camps have to offer. Organized daily activities give children the skills to build friendships and develop skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Our summer camps are full of exciting events that encourage socialization, active engagement, and growth. From learning about other cultures to in-house field trips, your child will enjoy all the benefits of a classic summer camp while embracing the Montessori experience.

Our Proven Children’s Programs

When your child’s education and development are on the line, you want an approach you can trust. Our programs are based on the esteemed work of Dr. Maria Montessori, and center on crafting a safe, supportive environment where learning and educational engagement are fun for children.

We give every child in-depth, personal attention to encourage holistic, healthy maturation while building both practical and academic skills. From life lessons to language programs, we have what your child needs to succeed.

Contact us today to talk to one of our team members about the opportunities that await your child in our arts programs. We proudly serve Calabasas, CA, and the surrounding communities.